Grumman G-63 Kitten
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Grumman G-63 Kitten, Bethpage, 1944
Grumman's only venture into the light-plane field was begun in 1943, as Leroy Grumman was searching for non-military products for the postwar period. Designed by Dayton T. Brown, designer of the Brewster Buffalo, the ‘Kitten' was a small two-place, an all-metal plane equipped with retractable landing gear. The pretty little plane, spot-welded aluminum throughout, bears a family resemblance to the Grumman Wildcat. First flown in 1944, it was a successful design in many respects superior to other light-planes of the period. However as the expansion of the postwar private-flier market never materialized, it was decided not to place the aircraft in production. Of the two kittens built, this is the sole survivor.
Wingspan: 32'
Length: 21'
Engine: 125hp Lycoming 0-290
Top Speed: 159 mph
Weight: 1200 lbs
Donor: Grumman Corporation