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Narrated by Robert Redford

Cosmic Collisions

Cosmic Collisions

From subatomic particles to the largest galaxies, cosmic collisions are a universal force of nature. Creative and also destructive, dynamic and dazzling, collisions have resulted in many things we take for granted – the luminescent Moon, the Sun’s warmth and light, our changing seasons, waves washing up on a sandy shore, They’ve ended the Age of Dinosaurs and changed the very map of the cosmos, reforming galaxies and giving birth to new stars and new worlds. Cosmic Collisions, the third Space Show produced by the American Museum of Natural History, provides an unprecedented and extraordinary view of these events – both catastrophic and constructive – that have shaped out world and our universe.

Cosmic Collisions was developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, in collaboration with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science; GOTO, Inc., Tokyo, Japan; and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, China.

Cosmic Collisions was developed by the American Museum of Natural History with the major support and partnership of National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Science Missions Directorate, Heliophysics Division.

October 25, 2024

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